Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Post!

Here's my first blog post to get this thing started!

This is a sketch I did last month to test my patience level with details.
Done in pen.


  1. very cool picture! Its not easy to be patient enough to do lots of monotonus detail. You should concider doing much larger scales towards the middle and on the cheeks (is that what they would be called?) of the dragon to really make it pop more and a little bit more shading. I had a pet snake once and i really loved the way the different sizes of scales looked. Its very good though i like it!

  2. Wow, I'm new to the whole blogging thing and I just found that I had comments on things and that someone IS actually looking at my website! How exciting! =) Thank you for your input! I'm always looking for input to consider and better myself!
